Thursday, December 30, 2010


What is the value of a tree?
  • provider of oxygen
  • carbon capture (no new technology needed)
  • stores sunlight for later use (lumber, energy from limb wood, leaves enrich soil)
  • provides shade (less air conditioning)
  • provides wind protection (less heating costs)
  • purifies water (trees constantly cycle water, cleaning it)
  • trees and green spaces lower stress and have a net result of increasing good health and lowering the strain on our health care system.
What is the monetary value of a single tree if it is allowed in an urban setting to grow to maturity

Trees are beautiful and that is reason enough to develop a conscious policy or a urban forest management plan, but we can get a real financial and health benefit from our trees.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Snow Day

No script

No map

Time without commitment

Toil in pursuit of fun

The Boys in the backyard

The Gift of leisure