Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Day In The Future

Bare cupboard,

bare shelves.

A hole in your stomach,

a hole in your heart.

Emptiness of poverty,

no prosperity.

You remember the blemished apple,

the restaurant meal too large to finish

the bread somewhat stale.

What you would give for even a morsel,

or a rotted bit.

In wealth there was waste,

recalled in your hunger,

Is this not Hell?

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Highway to Peace

Finding peace

paddle to water

on the river.

Hidden mystery

living water

in the river.

Man and nature

living in harmony

near the river.

Our history

story of Canada

highway river.

Man in charge

nature vanishing

away from the river.

Find ourselves

find our place

look to the river.