Friday, October 05, 2012

My Water

I have a simple question, if I didn’t pay my water bill would they come and shut my water totally off?  Another simple question, is it my right as a human to have access to clean water regardless of my social economic state? And yet another; is the delivery of water as a service what we pay for, or is it the water?

If I do not pay my water bill and have no economic means of purchasing water is there a source in my community where I can go and obtain clean drinking water without financial burden [I do not mean bottled water from a food bank as the financial burden is borne by someone else]?

If a person is without the financial means and further has a physical impairment that would prevent them from going and getting water from a communal source is our system set up to care for them?

One will argue that Canada has a social welfare system that protects the individual from this circumstance and they would be correct. If an individual lacks the basic necessities of life our system will provide for them, but what if our economic system degrades? Who controls our water?

Water outside of all other things we “require” is without peer. The need is so immediate and cannot be set aside for paperwork or difference of opinion or economic belt tightening. Water is now, basic and who we are in all ways. Oxygen is the only substance more immediate to our needs and it is not impeded by any pipeline or process.

Water is under the jurisdiction of a private company in Ingersoll. This company is partially owned by Ingersoll but it is in business to make money, is this right? CRU (Erie Thames)(ERTH) also handles the sewage and electricity. They can’t shut off the sewage and electricity is not a necessity for parts of the year in Canada. Water is a constant need.

I end with the original question. Is it my right to have access to water in my home year round or is there at least a place to get water if mine were shut off?


There are things to read on this: (Canada declined to vote for or against water rights??)