Monday, April 25, 2011

Gentle Goes the Paddle

Gentle goes the paddle

Fork of the Thames

Two young men

Older man feeling younger

Sun on our face

Being on the river,

in unity of action

Paddle sings the song of spring,

warm wood in cold water

Birds sing of the urgency of life,

as the river follows its path in silence

Honoured canoe

Gentle goes the paddle

Reborn together with the river

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I am a refugee in my own place. Walking through a wasteland of consumerism and squandering.

I Long for a place that is not far off, but out of our grasp, a place where humans have ambition but without greed, where one is judged by actions alone, a place where you feel part of a clan but feel no hate, a place where the limitations of our world are understood and embraced.

Standing strong on a soft foundation is not easy and that is the plight of other refugees like I. The walls of good belief are built on an ice flow of half truth and slander. How do you grow a tree in quicksand?

I see small islands of truth and I long to build bridges to these islands. I want the refugees to form a new nation and world, still Canada, still Earth but better. The ingredients of hope, ideals, knowledge, and communication are the cement for a new foundation.

Stand refugees and be counted, tell the keepers of the quicksand and ice flows to step aside.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Solar Technology

There is a solar collector available that will collect the suns energy faithfully with little or no maintenance for 100 years and during this time it will produce oxygen, purify water, and remove carbon from the atmosphere and lower heating and cooling bills. Some of these collectors can even synthesize food for human consumption.

This collector by the beauty of its design will make the owner feel good and at peace in their community.

When it is no longer capable of collecting the suns energy it will easily give it back in the form of heat and materials useful to man with very little processing.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Society at Risk?

I stared directly at the sun through the fog, a huge yellow orb behind a shade of mist. The sun and its power and light were easily diffused by a simple mist.

I was struck that the power of truth can also be diffused by a mist of facts not fully revealed, or a myth posturing as fact. I wonder if we can even tell what the truth is when we can stare straight at it and yet it is hidden or dim?

Critical thinking is the key.

The world is rich with many things useful to the society of man, some of these things can be easily renewed such as annual crops, while others take some time such as trees, and still others such as oil cannot be renewed in any time that would be beneficial to man. As we use things like oil they are gone forever and will not return. The natural world outside of the society of man does not care about the loss of oil, in fact the world outside of man does not care about the pollution from oil. Nature will change as is demanded by the environment it is presented with; man is part of nature and will change or die as the state of the earth changes.

Our society is a construct of men and though men will ultimately be ruled by nature, the society we have built is outside the realm of nature and will be ignored. It is not nature that will suffer in the long run nor will man suffer beyond the collapse of his society. It is only the society built by men that will cease. It is only our society that stands to be saved by changing our use of resources. Polar bears may cease to exist but nature will fill that void with another master predator. Man my cease to exist but nature will also find a suitable replacement.

It is only our society that nature will not rebuild; we are the only keepers of our society and the only ones who benefit from it. If we choose to abuse the earth and use up all it provides then nature will change, but it will not die. Our view of nature and our love of the current set of creatures and plants is part of our society. Nature is always willing to adjust to catastrophe and it will again. Man may survive the adjustment or maybe not?

Our society is what we cherish; it has been built on vision and hard work. Canada and its institutions are sacred to us. We can choose to adjust our society so it may continue to exist or not.

You may or may not vote for a party like the Green Party, I do not always. Whatever you do though should be backed up by knowledge and an understanding of our world as it applies to us, the humans, and then express your needs to your member of Parliament.