Saturday, September 03, 2011

Vibrant Summer

The strength of this summer was not in the beauty of the flowers but in the fact that we took time to notice. It was not in the absence of strife or in the plenty and abundant but in the fact that we were thankful. The bargains and windfalls of this summer did not make it what it was; it was the fact that we made proper use of them when presented to us.

We made the summer what it was by our attention to the human side of each other and our environment. We made the summer by recognizing the beauty that surrounded us and simple riches we enjoy.

From covered bridges to homemade pickles and paddling in the North, summer was ours. We did not fight a cause or demand justice, we simply lived life. We will stand for that which in not right, but it is just as important to watch your life and appreciate what you see.

Let the waves roll over your toes and sigh at the wonder of it all.

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