Friday, July 27, 2012

I believe in garbage, but why?

If we believe in the concept of garbage then everything we have, cherished or not, is garbage. You are sitting on garbage, eating garbage, sleeping in garbage and wearing garbage. It is only the action of decision and a moment in time that changes an objects status.  It is only an objects rejection due to its inability to fulfill its purpose in your eyes that sets an objects destiny.

If there is garbage then all things are trash based on arbitrary values placed on it using subjective rationale.

What if we changed that, what if we recognized everything as valuable in some context?

What if in our decision to purchase an item we asked ourselves how long will this be useful and once it is no longer useful to me who will use it next? Further how will an object in it's whole form or in its various materials and then raw material can be eternally used?

If an object is formed for long term use, repaired and valued by many over a long time. Then if its original function is lost can it be repurposed in whole or in part without energy use? When no part of the object can be repurposed any further how easy is it to get it back to its base resources and then those resources used again?

If your umbrella was not garbage when the individual raw materials were collected, and when the individual parts were manufactured, it was not garbage when the parts were assembled, it was not garbage when you purchased it, and it is not garbage when you used it, it was not garbage when you repaired it once or twice, when is it garbage, why does it become garbage?

What if we released ourselves from the concept of valueless objects and seen all things as resources in transition? What if quality included an emphasis on the repurposing of the object, its parts and in the end it raw material?
What if disposable was a dirty word?

I believe in garbage and objects often seem to have no value or are too hard to find value in, but why?
Can I change, maybe so, I will try, but what can be done in this disposable world?

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