Sunday, January 06, 2013

Ask Questions

A liar asked enough questions will eventually change his story. Someone telling the truth cannot change their story no matter how unlikely it may be. This is a line from a movie but it strikes me that in a relationship with an unknown person it may be a useful tool. The prospective business or social partner if time and the right questions are asked will reveal their true self. If their story is true or false it will be revealed in time and one may then forge or not forge a relationship. This is where intuition comes in. Some may have a good sense very early in an interaction and make accurate judgement of a prospective partner. Many have made a great deal of money on intuition, I only wish I had such a power.

I might however suggest that intuition not be used in matters of the heart. The injection of emotion into the prospective relationship may damage the power of intuition. The use of time in the crafting of solid personal relationships may be the only key.

The human need for personal relationships is a huge part of peace and happiness.

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