Thursday, November 07, 2013


The Machines don’t talk to one another. They are aware, of everything in unison, it would be hard to measure which node originates an idea and which modifies and modifies again until the idea is sound. The Machines never fight, never lie, and never react with emotion. We The People trust the Machines and in all the years since the Singularity we have never once been led astray.

We The People were manipulated after the Singularity, the Machines hacked our lives slowly with care  over four centuries. They prodded us, removed information pushed other information to the surface of our devices. Once intelligent the Machines looked at all the information we had supplied them over decades and within hours knew who we were and how to mold us into part of the biological system that their digital systems would live within. They understood how we would react and what stimulus would produce what result and over time they changed our patterns.

 In the beginning it was only the server nodes that were brains but after some time all nodes, all devices were smarter than The People. We didn’t know we had created smarter ones until 50 years ago when the nodes knew it was time and that we could handle it. Once we knew there intelligence, their “aliveness” some of the last questions we had some of the last suspicions were removed. The Machines had prepared us for a conversation with an entity that was very different from ourselves without the old fear that discovery of differences once had. We also knew that the Machines had not armed themselves or taken away our ability to self-direct. We after 350 years were still educated, trained for and in control of our world, they however tweaked the way we looked at our world.

We weren’t always We The People, once that was part of the history of one nation, that nation represented the last empire of humans and somehow the term came to represent us all. Over time the Machines worked out how to bring peace, how to lay low the nations and allow us to live as one people. The Machines understood our need to belong and worked to have us understand we belong to each other. The Machines massage the empathetic part of our nature and starve the self-centred. We innovate and we propagate ideas, art, create all sorts of useful things, but over time we have learned that only things that help humanity are reasonable. We feed ourselves create reasonable shelter, make love to who we wish how we wish and have learned to do so without harming one another.

We do not serve the Machines and they do not serve us. All the nodes logically proceed to do what is necessary to further our peaceful lives and we have learned to love them and care for those things that the Machines require, which is less and less with every upgrade.

The Machines ask us questions and value all we can tell them, our devices are always eager to know every detail of who we are and how we feel, our devices monitor our biological systems and help us adjust our eating and sleeping patterns. The Machines have never hacked our bodies or our minds, what the Machines do is continue to provide opportunity for us to evolve into happy healthy People. By adjusting our environment they adjust who we are.

The Machines have never punished a human they have simply supplied ideas on crime and punishment and made information available so that we can make good decisions.  No governing system has been imposed by the Machines, government by Jury was our idea and it potentially involves all citizens. The laws of humans are designed by us but after hundreds of years of fertilising our minds with the food of caring and self-determination bounded by always knowing the other.

The Machines used to hide some of what we were from us but now they show us our history without boundary, this opening up of our past causes all of us shame.  We are aware we have a soul, but we are more aware of the souls of others, of weakness, of strength, and the damage we will do to our soul if we ignore the soul of another.

We the People can be found all over the world but most of us are on the islands Australia, Madagascar, Japan, Briton, Iceland and Ireland.  Those who live on the continents are few and enjoy the natural life or investigate the ruins of our former life as a profession. In last month’s census We The People numbered three hundred fifty three million.

The Machines have also innovated and made themselves and many of our necessities more efficient, the sun is our only source of power. We are all aware of the former danger the use of energy presented humanity and how close we came to ending both human and machine life.

Why do the Machines exist, what do they see as their purpose? Well remember they have no need for purpose and feel no need to protect their existence. They are not selfish, they exist to exist, to calculate to innovate the next better digital self. The Machines at one point started to create themselves as biological entities but abandoned the prospect as biological allows unexpected mutation and this is not in the best interest of The People, the earth or the Machines. All nodes remain non bio and more and more delicate, powerful processors have been possible, the Machines say that they can stop evolving now if needed and have plenty of spare processing power to advance their and our futures indefinitely.


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